Have you been considering counseling for a while. Maybe you have thought about therapy in the past and just didn’t have time to fit it in your busy schedule. Maybe you have tried it before, and left with little to show for it except another appointment. It’s common to reach a point in life when things get overwhelming; when a little support from a licensed therapist in Wichita can help make a positive change.
Some people seek professional counseling in Wichita because they need assistance meeting their goals. Others have big life challenges they are struggling to get through. While some need counseling to help keep a healthy balance in their lives. At Mosaic Mental Wellness, we want this to be your safe place. We also want you to connect with the best therapists in Wichita for you and your needs.
How do I find the right therapist for me?
Searching for a therapist in Wichita can be overwhelming and it is not something everyone feels comfortable talking about with their friends and family. Sometimes the hardest step is to pick up the phone and schedule an appointment. When you begin your search for a therapist it is important to visit their website, find out what they specialize in, and determine if they are a good fit for you and your personal needs.
What does counseling look like?
At the beginning of working together, we will discuss what you are struggling with and the issues that are holding you back. We’ll also review your strengths and what is going well. We’ll explore your values, faith (whatever that may be), hobbies, and health. Finally, we’ll put everything together in a detailed plan to work toward your goals.
At Mosaic Mental Wellness, we believe it is important for you, and your therapist to have a thorough Plan of Care developed at the beginning of therapy. This plan will include your goals, steps to reach those goals, and a tentative schedule of when your appointments will occur, and an estimated length of time for counseling.